Andrew Hansen Help

Game engine source code

This is a complete dump of the game engine code.

from game_classes import * ## Locations quad = Location('quad', 'You are standing in the Quad.\nFrom here you can go:\nNorth to the admin office.\n' 'East to the Cleaners office.\nSouth to the Canteen.\nWest to the Teachers office.\n', ['north', 'east', 'south', 'west']) cleaner = Location('cleaner', 'You are standing in the cleaners room. There are shelves of chemicals.\nJoe is in here filling a bucket with water.\nFrom here you can go west to the quad.\n', ['west']) canteen = Location('canteen', 'You are standing in the canteen. There is a vending machine here.\nFor $1 you can buy a choc-chip cookie, a picnic or chips.\nFrom here you can go north to the quad.\n', ['north']) admin = Location('admin', 'You are standing in the Admin office.\nThere is a small safe on the shelves behind the desk.\nThere is a photo of Kurt Cobain on the wall with the letters RIP under it.\nFrom here you can go south to the quad.\n', ['south'], 'You are standing outside the Admin office but it is locked.\nFrom here you can go south to the quad.\n') office = Location('office', 'You are standing in your teachers office. Surprisingly there is nothing on the desk except his computer.\nFrom here you can go east to the quad.\n', ['east'], 'You are standing outside your teachers office but it is locked.\nFrom here you can go east to the quad.\n') ## Items ## coin = Item('coin', 'The coin is gold with $1 stamped on it.') picnic = Item('picnic', 'The picnic bar has been in production since 1959.') key = Item('key', 'The key is made of brass and has MK stamped on it.') ## Containers ## safe = Complex('safe', 'The safe is open.', 'The safe is small but sturdy with a combination lock on the door.', '5 4 94') vending = Complex('vending machine', 'The vending machine has cookies, picnic bars and chips all for $1.', 'The vending machine has cookies and chips for $1.', 'coin') book = Complex('book', 'Your teachers passcode is Trieste1960.', 'The book has Teacher passcodes written on the cover.', '') computer = Complex('computer', 'Your teacher left a message for you.\nIt says "Too late, I already phoned your parents!"\nGAME OVER.', 'The teachers computer is the only thing on the desk.\nThere is a login screen that says passcode:', 'Trieste1960') ## Actors ## joe = Actor('Joe', 'Joe is a cleaner. He is dressed in overalls and carrying a mop.', ['I will lend you my key if you give me a picnic bar.', 'You will need to get me a picnic bar if you want to borrow my key.', 'Thank you for the picnic bar. Here is my key.'], 'picnic') ## Create a world and put the pieces in it. ## world = World(3, 3) world.add_location(0, 1, canteen) world.add_location(1, 0, office) world.add_location(1, 1, quad) world.add_location(1, 2, cleaner) world.add_location(2, 1, admin) quad.items.append(coin) safe.contents.append(book) cleaner.items.append(joe) admin.items.append(safe) office.items.append(computer) = False = False # Add the player player = Player(1, 0) # TODO Put this back to 1,1 def parse_input(input_str): str_parts = input_str.split(' ') if len(str_parts) == 1: action = str_parts[0] target = None else: action = str_parts[0] target = str_parts[1] return action, target relocated = True # We are in a new location player.items.append(key) #TODO remove this when done. while True: if relocated: # If we are in a new location ... print(world.grid[player.row][player.col].get_desc()) # print the details relocated = False # Now that we are here we don't need the details again until we move user_input = input('What would you like to do? ') action, target = parse_input(user_input) match action: case 'go': if target in world.grid[player.row][player.col].exits: match target: case 'north': player.do_move('north') case 'south': player.do_move('south') case 'east': player.do_move('east') case 'west': player.do_move('west') relocated = True # We have moved to a new location. else: print('You cannot go that way.') case 'take': taken = False # Assume the item is not there or cannot be taken for item in world.grid[player.row][player.col].items: if == target and item.collectable == True: taken = True # The player can take that item print(f'You take the {target}.') world.grid[player.row][player.col].items.remove(item) player.items.append(item) if not taken: print(f'You cannot take the {target}.') case 'buy': if world.grid[player.row][player.col].name == 'canteen': # If the player is in the canteen if coin in player.items: match target: case 'picnic': player.items.append(picnic) player.items.remove(coin) = False # This swaps the desc to the one without the picnic print(f'You take the Picnic.') case 'cookie' | 'chips': player.items.append(picnic) player.items.remove(coin) = False print(f'The machine gave you a Picnic instead. Must be faulty.') case _: # This is a wildcard and will match all other inputs print(f'There are no {target}\'s available.') else: print('You do not have any coins.') else: print('You cannot buy anything here.') case 'inventory': if len(player.items) == 0: print('You are not carrying anything.') else: for item in player.items: print(f'You have a {}.') case 'look': if target == None: print(world.grid[player.row][player.col].get_desc()) else: described = False # use this to see if the player was given a description for item in world.grid[player.row][player.col].items: if == target: print(item.get_desc()) described = True for item in player.items: if == target: print(item.get_desc()) described = True if not described: print(f'The {target} is not here to look at.') case 'talk': if target == 'Joe' and world.grid[player.row][player.col].name == 'cleaner': # The player can only talk to Joe in the cleaner's office. print(joe.get_response()) else: print(f'{target} is not here to talk to.') case 'give': if target == 'picnic' and world.grid[player.row][player.col].name == 'cleaner': # The player can only give the picnic to Joe in the cleaner's office. player.items.remove(picnic) joe.satisfied = True print(joe.get_response()) player.items.append(key) print('You take the key.') case 'use': location = world.grid[player.row][player.col].name # Just to make the next bit easier. if target == 'key' and key in player.items: if location == 'admin': = True print(world.grid[player.row][player.col].get_desc()) elif location == 'office': = True print(world.grid[player.row][player.col].get_desc()) else: print('You cannot use the key here.') else: print('You cannot unlock anything without the key.') case 'open': match target: case 'safe': location = world.grid[player.row][player.col] if == 'admin': # have to be where the safe is. combo = input('What is the combination (x x x)? ') if combo == safe.trigger: = True print(safe.get_desc()) location.items.append(book) else: print('That is not the combination. The safe is still locked.') case 'book': location = world.grid[player.row][player.col] if book in location.items or book in player.items: = True print(book.get_desc()) case 'type': location = world.grid[player.row][player.col] if == 'office': if target == computer.trigger: = True print(computer.get_desc()) else: print('Passcode incorrect.') else: print('There is nothing to type on here.')
Last modified: 07 April 2024