Andrew Hansen Help

The Player class

The object classes will all be kept in a single file called Each class will be added to the bottom of the file and tested / demonstrated in the "if name == 'main':" block.

The Player object tracks the players location and inventory. It handles the players movements as well as what they are carrying.

The class diagram is:

Player class

  • row

  • col

  • items

  • do_move()

  • get_inventory()

The Python code for the class is:

class Player(): ''' Class to define the Player object within the game. Attributes: row: int col: int items: list Methods: do_move() # Used to change the players location. get_invnetory() # Used to list the objects the player is carrying. ''' def __init__(self, init_row, init_col): self.row = init_row self.col = init_col self.items = [] def do_move(self, direction): if direction == 'north': self.row = self.row + 1 if direction == 'south': self.row = self.row - 1 if direction == 'east': self.col = self.col + 1 if direction == 'west': self.col = self.col - 1 def get_inventory(self): for item in self.items: print(f'You have a {}.\n') def get_location(self): return [self.row, self.col]

For now, we will just test the movement function. The other functions have been tested in other objects.

if __name__ == '__main__': player = Player(1, 1) print(player.get_location()) # [1, 1] player.do_move('north') print(player.get_location()) # [2, 1] player.do_move('east') print(player.get_location()) # [2, 2] player.do_move('south') print(player.get_location()) # [1, 2] player.do_move('west') print(player.get_location()) # [1, 1]
Last modified: 07 April 2024